Telegram’s method is extra complicated. By default, there is no such thing as a E2EE on Telegram non-public or group messages. These are encrypted server facet, which implies that, in principle, the corporate can decrypt their content material if it desires to. Telegram non-public chats supply E2EE, however it’s inconvenient to arrange. Durov has blogged on why the corporate eschews E2EE, primarily, he claimed, in order that customers can conveniently again up and entry messages throughout a number of units.
That’s the primary motive why it is smart for police to focus on criminals on the platform in a means that’s unimaginable with apps utilizing E2EE: Telegram ought to have the ability to unscramble the content material of Telegram messages if it chooses to.
After all, as an app which has lengthy performed on its unruly MO, Telegram doesn’t wish to promote that uncomfortable chance. Certainly, the corporate has lengthy talked up its willingness to withstand authorities oversight, together with falling out with Russia’s Federal Safety Service (FSB) in 2018 over its refusal to grant entry to communications.